此充電器每聲道輸出穩定 250W 功率,可立即為您的電池組充電並準備就緒。


  • 型號:P10
  • 輸入電壓:直流10~30v
  • 輸出電壓:直流1~26V
  • 平衡電流:0.5A/Cell Max
  • 最大限度。輸入電流:20A
  • 充電電流:0.2~10.0Ax2
  • 電壓異常警報:支持
  • 最大限度。充電功率:250Wx2
  • 細胞計數錯誤設定警報:支持
  • 支援的電池類型和電池數量:LiFe、Lilon、LiPo、LiHv 1-6S、Pb 1-10S、NiMH、Cd 1-16S
  • 並行充電功率和電流:400W/16A
  • 並聯放電功率和電流: 不支持
  • 輸入防反接功能: 不支援
  • 輸出防反接功能: 不支援
  • 輸入防火花功能: 不支援
  • 輸出防火花功能: 不支援
  • 儲存溫度:-20℃~60℃
  • 工作溫度:0~40℃
  • 尺寸:90.5x90.5x47mm
  • 重量:約250g

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nick Schendel
Cant storage charge, or discharge. What is the point? Not what I would consider a smart charger.

This thing apparently can not storage charge batteries. That should be very clearly called out in the description. Storage charging is basic lipo maintenance and the complete inability to do so makes this thing pretty dumb. Glad I bought it as a secondary charger and not my primary or I would be even more angry about the purchase. extremely dissapointed with my purchase and wishing I had just gotten a second M6D instead. Why ISDT would even make a product like this is beyond me. Based on how unclear they are in making this huge gap in fucntionality obvious its pretty clear to me that they were trying to cut corners & pull one over on the customer to do so. I wont be buying any more ISDT stuff with this kind of practice.