Brotherhobby TC 2004 超輕電機

Brotherhobby 馬達的新型 TC 系列被設計為在高功率情況下可靠的防彈輕型馬達。

鈴鐺和底座由航空級 7075 鋁合金製成,具有耐用的陽極氧化塗層,顏色為時尚的綠色和金色。該軸由熱處理鋼製成,在發生碰撞時更加耐用。

為了滿足高功率應用,定子線採用高純度電解銀線製成,水沸溫度可達 260°C。磁鐵呈圓形並形成均勻的氣隙以使飛行平穩。


  • KV:1700、1950、2100 或 3150 KV
  • 鋰電池電壓:4-6s
  • 定子:0.15mm日本矽鋼
  • 軸承:NSK 7x3x3
  • 鈴鐺:7075 鋁
  • 螺旋槳適配器軸螺紋:M1.5
  • 重量:14.9公克(含短線)
  • 配置:12N14P
  • 轉子:N52H 弧形磁鐵
  • 軸:SUS 420 鋼
  • 電線 AWG:24 AWG 電線長度 10 厘米
  • 底座外殼:7075 鋁
  • 安裝螺栓型式:M2 12x12mm

Brotherhobby TC2004 超輕量馬達 讓它撕裂!

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Brotherhobby TC2004超輕量馬達1700/1950/2100/3150 KV

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Radial Flyer
Brother Hobby TC 2004

These are really good motors. I've been flying these for nearly 3 weeks now and haven't had any trouble with them. I've put them through some tough tests and they come through every time. I've even crashed them a few times and no bent motor bells as with so many other motors. I give them a big thumbs up.

Saverio Avella
Updated Review!

Just wanted to update you and let you know that these motors continue to perform and meet all my expectations!

Saverio Avella
Great 4S Motors- Sooth as Butter

Always great to shop at Newbeedrones. You get great service and great quality products, such as the Brotherhobby 2004 Ultra Light motors.

So far they’ve been doing a great job on my 4inch build. They feel and fly great.

