NewBeeDrone VRDrone RTF 組合套件 V2.5



-NewBeeDrone VRDrone V2.5 由NewBeeDrone團隊開發,完美操控專業FPV無人機。


-有刷電調 5A 每個馬達 JST1.25 插頭

-25mw VTX 透過 OSD 控制

- 電源連接器:PH2.O

- 強大的 OSD 選單包括更改 VTX 頻道和 PID 調整。


-NewBeeDrone BDR 銀色版 - 6mm 有刷電機


-NewBeeDrone Azi(三葉)微型螺旋槳 31 毫米 - 0.8 毫米軸


-NewBeeDrone VRDrone 65mm 拉絲框架


-NewBeeDrone Nitro Nectar Gold 250mAh 1S HV 鋰電池


-帶有 Beesign 協定的 NewBeeDrone Beemote V2 VRDrone 版本



-智慧型電池保護: 如果超過7 使用, BeemoteV2電源管理系統將自動將電池放電儲存模式並使系統進入睡眠狀態

視訊護目鏡 (FPV 護目鏡)

-護目鏡也是無人機、 充電器電池容器

- 顯示器具有超快的頻道搜尋、準確的頻道鎖定功能。

- 無人機容器內建電池充電器,一次最多可為 4 個電池充電。請使用 2Amp USB 電源。

-包括 NewBeeDrone MicroSD 和MicroSD 相容讀卡機。


Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Jorge Garces Martinez

NewBeeDrone VRDrone RTF Bundle Kit V2.5

Steve Klotz
My first FPV drone

I've only had the drone for about a week. The kit is very nice, good quality. I need a larger indoor area to fly it while I'm learning. Very quick and responsive little marvel. I will definitely learn with this drone kit and I wouldn't hesitate to purchase my next drone from NewBee. I live in Minnesota and the weather isn't conducive to outdoor flying so I'll just keep on crashing and hopefully be able to fly it by Spring! Thank for your product and customer relations efforts.

Patrick Quarles
Perfect for a New Pilot

I have been interested in FPV drones for a while. The price on this bundle just can't be beat. The drone living in the goggles is icing on the cake. At first I thought I would never get the hang of it. Flying an FPV drone is really challenging.
After just a few flights I started improving. This tiny whoop is great fun for a beginner. I can see myself outgrowing this set, but I will have gotten way more than my money's worth.
If you're picking up this RTF tiny whoop, you should probably get an extra set of props, and an extra set or two of batteries.
I cannot recommend this RTF Tiny Whoop bundle enough!


Very quick delivery, no damages, everything was in order, only downside was that the postal worker just left it on my porch, instead of knocking and waiting for someone to answer. Thankfully no thieves were in the area, or they would've had a new drone to play with

Lee Holloman

I am loving this drone. Its my first fpv drone i just wish it was a little bigger for outdoor flight the wind bullies it