推出首款雙滾珠軸承 08 尺寸馬達。它也是我們的流量馬達產品線中最小的馬達。
製造雙滾珠軸承百葉窗馬達一直是我們行業的一個挑戰。高轉速、馬達定子空間有限、熱量,所有這些因素都阻止了人們製造帶有雙滾珠軸承的百葉窗尺寸馬達。早在 2020 年,我們就一直在嘗試對雙滾珠軸承 08 尺寸馬達進行原型設計和測試。我們在此設計中使用兩個 681XZZ 滾珠軸承。液流馬達設計使此馬達在冷卻和結構強度方面具有更好的性能。我們還在這款馬達上使用了 7075 鋁合金。這可能是第一台使用7075鋁合金的08尺寸馬達。馬達底部仍配有 PCB 板,可更換馬達線。它還配備了更多不同的 KV 選項。 12000KV適合2S設定。 19000KV是我們推薦大家使用的最佳平衡KV。 25000KV 速度極快,非常適合賽車。

這些馬達安裝有 JST-1.0 插頭,但也配有一組 Micro JST-1.25 插頭。 BeeBrain 無刷使用飛行控制器使用 JST-1.0 插頭。

注意:這些馬達需要高性能電池,例如 硝基花蜜金


- 0804 馬達尺寸
- 7075鋁合金
- 12,000KV(設計為2秒) 19,000KV達到最佳效率和平衡
- 賽車用25,000KV
- 1mm雙台階軸
- 引線焊盤
- 安裝的 JST-1.0 插頭還附帶備用 1.25 插頭和 50mm 電線
- 50毫米電纜長度
- 每件重 2.85 克,不含電線和插頭

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Oscar Hermosillo

Awesome 👍🏻 I really appreciate the power out of these.

Micah Dear
Flow 12000 2s motors

Nothing and I mean NOTHING beats NewBeeDrone motors!!!

And I know, I have tons!!!

- Not a paid promotion :)

Elijah Reeds
Heavy Metal but it fackin rips

Threw it on my tinyhawk 3 but it was way too heavy and couldn't stay up. Built a 2" 1s toothpick with these, came out to 26-27g.

Absolutely rips. Can't believe 1s could do this.

Alexander Cormia
Dual ball bearing efficiency, ‘04 stator power!

‘04 stator really moves some air with authority. Runs on 1s voltage as well, very efficient with the dual ball bearings. Normally my 75mm acrobee runs 3:30 mins on the NBD gold 18000kv, but these 12000 kv ran about 5 1/2 to 6 mins. With only slightly less oomph. But really shine at their intended 2s voltage. Lots of punch and great for acro! Can’t wait to try out the 1s 19000kv and crazy 25000kv!

Joshua Brown
Really interesting

These motors are neat, they are a little thirsty, and a little heavy. However that being said I do think the double bearing and its improvements to efficiency more than make up for it. very smooth, pretty comparable to an 1102 18k but a little peppier in my opinion.